Total War Warhammer 2 Campaign Map

Posted : admin On 02.09.2019
  1. Total War Warhammer 2 Campaign Map Skaven
  2. Total War Warhammer 2 Campaign Map Bug

About Total War: WARHAMMER II. The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breathtaking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands.

Total War Warhammer 2 Campaign Map Skaven



Total War Warhammer 2 Campaign Map Bug

  • Senior MemberBath, UKPosts: 3,901Registered Users
    Third game will most likely include Dark Lands and full Chaos Wastes to the North and maybe even realm of Daemons.
    But yeah this accurate.
    Vampire Counts
    Tomb Kings
    The Empire
    'Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.' - Vlad von Carstein
  • Problem is the rescaling of the world to fit TWW needs. The shrunken Bretonnia, shrinked Albion the really squeezed Araby. And Lustria from what we saw so far, also has probably lost some parts. We know also nothing about what to expect from the Southlands. With Araby squeezed at it is in game#1 map
    there is no telling what to expect further south.
    I mean we had also the one Naggaroth picture, and even turned in the right direction following the coastlines it was really hard to see it match with Naggaroth from GW maps. So there will probably also be changes.
    And that makes it all hard to estimate how game#2 map looks. Which makes it for now a bit impossible to predict game#3 map. It will include the Dark Lands,
    but in which form? It should also have the Mountains of Mourn in it
    but they could be really queezed together, so haveing something similiar to Worlds Edge Mountains which then would give the oppurtunity to include part of Cathay.
    I would expect the map also to expand a bit more to the north, which would open more possibilities for Chaos (WoC or maybe Kurgan Tribes similar to Norsca)
    I am also unsure if the Worlds Egde mountain will be the western border. My gut is telling me that Kislev might become that games preorder stuff. Which could work as with Norsca right now, or it could mean that maybe the border will be drawn withion the Old World. Like this and then more north/east
    I highly doubt we will get 'Daemon Realm', since that is a layer we can't have on the usual worldmap. And that worldmap might have enough problems containing all three campaign maps with all races/factions. Same reason we probably will never have a 'proper' Under Empire layer for Skaven/Dwarf/Greenskin. Also: Which mortal Empire in his right mind would invade the Daemon Realm?? That's like a faithful Christian army invading Hell. There is nothing to gain, no goal to achieve and all hell breaks lose if you open the portal to get there.
    -----Red Dox
  • @Kopesh The one issue I see with your map comes from what we're expecting with the first DLC. If it's TK, then Khalida's start position won't be on the map and she'll have to be moved. Now it's entirely possible that they'll reassign her a start position and that could work but here's the thing; once the mega-campaign drops, any issues caused by the odd geometries will go away. What I mean by that is that it will no longer be necessary to cut off the eastern part of the southlands to make the two maps fit. The divide doesn't necessarily have to be on a strict North South axis.
    They have mentioned that the game 2 map will be roughly the same size as the OWE, so expect some drastic resizing of the new world continents. I have every confidence that they'll make it right and we won't be left wanting.
    Keep Grombrindal in KaK, K8P should be 10 slots, Dogs of War should be a horde, DoC should be one race- Change my mind
    Give us a Slayer Hero!
  • Senior MemberPosts: 8,209Registered Users
    Wait, only half Southlands will be included in game 2?
    So Southland will be cut in half?
  • Senior MemberPosts: 1,749Registered Users

    Wait, only half Southlands will be included in game 2?
    So Southland will be cut in half?

    We don't know really know only speculation.
    CA has only shown us Ulthuan and Lustria
  • edited July 2017

    Wait, only half Southlands will be included in game 2?
    So Southland will be cut in half?

    Do note that this is my guess on how they will split up the continents. It is possible that they will add all of the Southlands by twisting and warping it to fit both the Warhammer 2 map and the Combined Map. I actually hope they will do that, because otherwise Queen Khalida's home city of Lybaras won't fit on the map when the Tomb Kings are added.
    This is another possibility:
  • edited July 2017
    Or there is the possibility that the Vortex map will basically have the old world in it (Essentially one big square.) But the old world will be mist-ed out like Araby/Khemri is right now. (inaccessible.)
    That would make the southlands way easier to implement.
  • I really, really, reallyyyyyy want to get a glimpse at the campaign maps for the new campaign and the mega campaign. It is probably one of the things I want to see the most right now because it allows us to see how they decided to change the maps of the first and second games to obtain a functional combined map.
    CPU: Xeon E3-1231v3 3.40GHz
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  • edited July 2017

    I think the map to the right is more plausible, cutting the map at the mountains. If we look at the campaign map from the first game, the worlds edge mountains to the east is a clear border for the map.
    The gameplay would IMO be better focused with only water in the centre of the map, and no room for transports on the outside. The mountains would make for good borders.
  • I expect Naggaroth will be the most changed in scale and layout because it has the most empty space while Southlands at least has some lore of Lizardmen and Beastmen in the interior jungles and mountains.
    YouTube, it takes over your mind and guides you to strange places like tutorials on how to talk to a giraffe.

  • I think the map to the right is more plausible, cutting the map at the mountains. If we look at the campaign map from the first game, the worlds edge mountains to the east is a clear border for the map.
    The gameplay would IMO be better focused with only water in the centre of the map, and no room for transports on the outside. The mountains would make for good borders.

    That is not going to happen as we have seen in the video with the campaign map that Teclis starts on the Turtle Isles, which are located off the western coast of Lustria. The map does include a little bit of the ocean west of Lustria and Naggaroth.
  • edited July 2017
    I think that what CA said in the begining about new world map being 'roughly the same size' than the old world is currenty false.
    To be roughly the same size the map should be changed drastically to no recognition.
    In the old datamined map the 4 new continents have the same area that the old world (ulthuan as 1m2 reference, OW=10 m2, south=3,5m2, Lustria+nagg=6,5m2).
    So, even dwarfing new world and cutting 3 continents with the map edge leaves you with a equal size map.
    Looking at ulthuan size at the campaign video CA showed, that they will include all lustria coasts, at least all east cosast of naggaroth and CA said that southlands will be in the game (not only tomb kings desert) I dont see any means for the two maps to be equal.
    With severe dwarfing I think the 4 new continents will be 2-3 times bigger to look ok.
    If in the end the maps happen to be equal the old world will look comically disproportionated and out of scale. The 4 new continents will look like islands.
  • In the bla interview last december(?) CA mentioned that their plans grew bigger through the success of game#1+DLCs. And that the new map will be at least as big as 'Old World'. Which means it can easily be bigger if they boosted their plans enough. But as you mention, it is hard to estimate with the rescaling on 'parts that noboy has interest or use for'.
    -----Red Dox
  • Consider that the game 2 map does not have to match with the game 1 map. The Grand campaign map that follows later is where they combine and that could trim parts off the game 2 campaign map
  • Consider that the game 2 map does not have to match with the game 1 map. The Grand campaign map that follows later is where they combine and that could trim parts off the game 2 campaign map

    Actually it won't. CA stated at the E3 preshow the mega campaign map will be trimmed and one of the LLs starting in the southlands in warhammer 2 will have to be relocated for the mega campaign.

    Team Yennefer

    'A blinding flash materialised into a transparent sphere, and inside it loomed a shape, assuming contours and shapes at frightening speed. Dandelion recognised it at once. He knew those wild, black curls and the obsidian star on a velvet ribbon. What he didn’t know and had never seen before was the face. It was a face of rage and fury, the face of the goddess of vengeance, destruction and death.' - Time of contempt
  • Here is something I cobbled together to give an idea of how warped the Southlands could be if it is made to fit the Combined Map without cutting off any area of it.
  • But since we already know that Bretonnia is smaller, that Arabay is way smaller and even Lustria has re-scaled space while a mysterious new Island seems to be south of Ulthuan, just bending the 'original GW map sizes' around does very little in getting the feel how thee TWW map will look like
    -----Red Dox
  • Consider that the game 2 map does not have to match with the game 1 map. The Grand campaign map that follows later is where they combine and that could trim parts off the game 2 campaign map

    Actually it won't. CA stated at the E3 preshow the mega campaign map will be trimmed and one of the LLs starting in the southlands in warhammer 2 will have to be relocated for the mega campaign.
    Got a link/ more info?
    Moving a LL from southlands? I mean Wurrzag actually needs to be moved TO Southlands to make most sense, not from
  • I don't remember which video it was but here is a post from our forum talking about it:
    The post you are looking for is the one saying 'they also said that (atleast) one of the LLs willhave to get moved.'

    Team Yennefer

    'A blinding flash materialised into a transparent sphere, and inside it loomed a shape, assuming contours and shapes at frightening speed. Dandelion recognised it at once. He knew those wild, black curls and the obsidian star on a velvet ribbon. What he didn’t know and had never seen before was the face. It was a face of rage and fury, the face of the goddess of vengeance, destruction and death.' - Time of contempt
  • I don't remember which video it was but here is a post from our forum talking about it:
    The post you are looking for is the one saying 'they also said that (atleast) one of the LLs willhave to get moved.'

    That was supposed to be for Teclis moving from the Turtle Isles because the Western side of Lustria was going to get trimmed. No idea where they are moving him though. Others might have to be moved too since we don't know where any Skaven start.
    I am incredibly mad and angry at whatever someone insinuated could possibly, but not likely, happen in the WH series today and CA must answer for this with an explanation of why they might possibly, but didn't do this!!!
  • Thats pretty vague - if they generally meant 'moved' than its deff Wurrzag as he needs to to in the Southlands jungles and make his way north as his campaign - It also adds some flava to that underserved continent (not much there besides skaven, some lizardmen and wild orks; not speaking of Araby/TK deserts) and will help make trouble to the TK faction once theyre out.
  • edited July 2017

    That was supposed to be for Teclis moving from the Turtle Isles because the Western side of Lustria was going to get trimmed. No idea where they are moving him though. Others might have to be moved too since we don't know where any Skaven start.

    I do find the whole trimming thing pretty redundant.
    Why? The map is already created, its spacious, just add the Old World. Why cut out loreful lands and start rejigging random bits???
    If anything they should properly resize Albion as its completely the wrong size ingame. Id like proper loreful geography; not opportunist revisioning.
  • edited July 2017

    That was supposed to be for Teclis moving from the Turtle Isles because the Western side of Lustria was going to get trimmed. No idea where they are moving him though. Others might have to be moved too since we don't know where any Skaven start.

    I do find the whole trimming thing pretty redundant.
    Why? The map is already created, its spacious, just add the Old World. Why cut out loreful lands and start rejigging random bits???
    If anything they should properly resize Albion as its completely the wrong size ingame. Id like proper loreful geography; not opportunist revisioning.
    A)because your hardware will have problems with game 1+2+3 maps and every race/faction they throw on the sandbox combo map.
    B)if Albion is the the first thing that comes to your mind for wrong scale issues, you should check your priorities. Albion will never play a true role for TWW, while current ingame races already are dealing with shrinked lands and should be more of interest in 'getting the size right.' Of course, that has not happen yet andwill not happen in the future so making a issue out of that is kinda Don Quichottish
    ------Red Dox
  • Cutting some turtle isles will save on GFX RAM usage? Really? With WH3 due in 2018/19... well cut an isle or two down and save a megabyte or two...
    How about we make the grand campaign WH3 map 4 provinces only to simulate the known world to really make it accessible to Atari 64 users and its ilk...
    Albion at best makes for a good place for event to occur, not much else - its just horribly resized and obviously improper.
    Otherwise Its Severely overdue for CA to actually give us a proper campaign map overlay to help explain these discrepancies. Were left gasping at straws about whats where while WH1 map was released way earlier for the general audience to study
  • Regarding Worldmap there is only one use for Albion, even if you scale it ro real size: as one (1) province for one LL from whatever race you will (I would say DoC & Belakor). And that is priority wise so far down hill, that I can't even begin to grasp why people shed tears about poor Albion. It is a useless smudge for current TWW purpose.
    The only other thing that can be done to make something interested out of Albion, would be a seperate Campaign with a own map based on the old Albion campaign map. So for example as seen the difference between Athel Loren campaign VS worldmap. And this solution does nothing for Albion regarding TWW worldmap.
    So once again I am riddled why people (in this case YOU) are so overly concerned with Albion, while not even mentioning other parts of the worldmap, which are or are not currently populated by race X or Y and directly suffer from missing land since release of game#1 way more then a useless island with no significance campaign or worldmap wise.
    Cutting some turtle isles will save on GFX RAM usage? Really? With WH3 due in 2018/19... well cut an isle or two down and save a megabyte or two...

    Did somebody say cutting and/or downsizing stops there? We do not even have a map#2 overview, no idea how the sandbox combo map for 1+2 will really look and from there only pure speculation about game#3 map.
    -----Red Dox
  • Turtle Isles being cut is not the exclusive trimming they are doing. It's just the one reference they have stated of an area getting changed and the LL there getting moved. It's likely there will be other changes as well.
    I am incredibly mad and angry at whatever someone insinuated could possibly, but not likely, happen in the WH series today and CA must answer for this with an explanation of why they might possibly, but didn't do this!!!
  • edited July 2017

    Here is something I cobbled together to give an idea of how warped the Southlands could be if it is made to fit the Combined Map without cutting off any area of it.

    Nice map interpretation. Its a good compromise between gameplay prespective and warhammer world correct representation. Problem is that it is still too big for being 'roughly the same size'. In your map new world is two times bigger than old word. Southlands is 0,75 times the size of OW, Ulthuan is 0,18 times, Naggaroth is 0,62 times and Lustria 0,49 times. So 2 times more big.
    As I said earlier, new map has to be at least 2-3 times bigger to look good. If you make the new continents smaller then it will not look good. The old statement of 'roughly the same size' have to be wrong.
  • The map is the most exciting reveal - can't wait!
  • The map is the most exciting reveal - can't wait!

    Seriously even an outline can help a million!
  • Well I think that the Northern Southlands part we glimpse in the OWE is just a placeholder made when CA had really other plans.
    I think it will get bigger for TK and Araby's sake (and of proportion) while in Megacampaign we will get a cut of the Southern tip of the Southlands. Nothing interesting here... no diseased rat lair... coff, I think.
    However this is the chance to move a Skaven LL to the Old World and make Skavenblight a thing in the upcoming megacampaign.