Reset Valor Rank 5 Times

Posted : admin On 27.07.2019

So the bonus stats you get for your badass rank is shared and accumulated amongst all your characters. So each character has their own level and stats while your badass rank is like your level (as a player) and your the stats you gain are given to all your characters.

Crucible Valor ranks and point requirements in Destiny 2. Look at the Destiny 2 Valor ranks, the points required to reach each one, and how winning streaks work. Fighting games are hard and improving takes time. Especially if you try to learn the game properly without all the cheesy online stuff. That and a high disconnection rate are the only two reasons I can think of why someone would want to reset his rank. My rank was too high but thanks for necroing my thread, I already quit Tekken 7. Destiny 2 Weekly Reset time: Season Valor Rank and Iron Banner end news THE Destiny 2 Weekly Reset is coming later this week, with a scheduled time locked in for PS4 and Xbox One activities to end.

This is great and I love the idea but I accidentally used up one of my badass tokens on a stat I didn't want.

Is it possible to respec my badass rank bonus points so I can use my badass tokens on abilities that I do want? How can I do it?

Just to be clear, I don't necessarily want to be able to use all my tokens on one single stat, I just want to be refunded all my tokens so I can start building up my stats again. And that includes being limited to choosing 1 of 5 (random?) stats per token.

Jeff Mercado
Jeff MercadoJeff Mercado
15.9k17 gold badges78 silver badges136 bronze badges

8 Answers

The answer is NO, you can't. There is no feature to reset them.

Also i did check and it seems those stats are stored on remote servers and not your local machine, so we can't just tweak a file either. (As best as i could find.)


I emailed Gearbox support with the same question outlining the issues and they responded within 3 hours and reset all badass points. Super easy and no hassles. Good luck!

(My previous post was deleted, but I wanted to respond with a new and improved answer.)


Actually the bonus stats are saved locally in your profile.bin file, well for PC at least. If you delete that it will remove all your points etc. I can't find anything on the game about the player that is stored on a server. There is no way though to modify the file at the moment.


There is no way to respec badass stats within the game itself.

Badass stats, golden keys, and skins are stored in profile.bin, located in

C:Users[PC user name]DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData7656119[Steam ID].

The 'Borderlands 2 - Profile Editor' lets one modify these data. Crysis windows 10 64 bit.

I have used it myself and confirm its functionality. Here are results for virus checks of the two files: Borderlands 2 - Profile Editor.exe and LZO.dll.

31.4k68 gold badges228 silver badges428 bronze badges
5,73823 gold badges84 silver badges145 bronze badges

I'm not sure what you want to accomplish would be possible, regardless of whether you could reset your badass rank.

Reset valor rank 5 times

The stat choices appear to be randomly selected with a weight toward the stats that have lower bonuses, so eventually you'll wind up with a list of nothing but 'bad' stats, forcing you to choose one.

James Johnson
5801 gold badge5 silver badges16 bronze badges

just delete bin file, then re-login with you character. It will reset badass rank.


To add to what others have put:

Reset Valor Rank 5 Times 2

The 5 badass rank choices will almost always be your 5 lowest ranks. so you can only pick 4 you don't want to upgrade and the others will upgrade (roughly) equally



Max health 0%,Shield capacity 0%,Shield recharge delay 0%,Shield recharge rate 0%,Everything else 2.2%

You will (nearly) always get to choose from.Max health,Shield capacity,Shield recharge delay,Shield recharge rate,and one random bonus from the rest.


You can reset the badass tokens simple. Go into your save game folder and find the file profile.bin and delete this file. Then load borderlands 2 up once and close out then load it up again. select the character that you want to use and then you have your tokens back.


protected by AshMar 26 '16 at 3:57

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Posted by
Vanguard's Loyal // I stand with Cayde.
9 months ago

I love grinding. I love this expansion and I am having an absolute blast. I just looked up this quest line since I've been working on it for a month now and it keep going (I'm currently half way through Pulse Rifle precision kills) and the site I found says the last step of the quest is to reset my Valor rank 5 times! That seems like a lot!!

I mean I've been playing a good deal of pvp and I'm just about ready to reset it once, and the season is 1/3 of the way over.

Again, I'm not complaining, I'm down to grind.. but it does seem pretty high so I thought I would double check with you fine players and see if the info I got was wrong or if I just need to buckle down and get it done.