Naruto Final Bond Script

Posted : admin On 04.08.2019

  1. Dec 13, 2015  Check out Naruto: Final Bond. It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. You unlock new stuff as you level up at different levels! Double Space - Jump High Q - Charge Chakra E - Run F - Activate Mode (If you have one) J - Jinchūriki (If you have one) T - Madara's Gunbai (If you have one) N - Anbu Mask (If you have one) U - Special Uniforms (If you.
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Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (or just, Naruto Gaiden) is a Post-Script Season Spinoff Mini Series sequel to Naruto, written and drawn by series creator Masashi Kishimoto. The series received an animated adaptation as part of the Boruto anime.

The series takes place a few years after the Distant Finale to the main series and is set sometime before the events of Boruto: Naruto the Movie. It focuses on Sarada Uchiha, the daughter of Sasuke, who finds herself asking questions about her family. What's her father like? Why did he leave when she was a baby? Why has he never been around while she was growing up? And Sakura really her mother, or is it Sasuke's former teammate Karin?


A series of events has her leaving the village in hope of seeing her father, and answering some of the questions she has. But at the same time, Sarada is pursued by a mysterious hooded figure and his 'son': a young boy named Shin. Both of them have the Sharingan, despite the Uchiha being all but wiped out many years ago..

Naruto: The Broken Bond is an adventure game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for the Xbox 360. The Broken Bond picks up where Naruto: Rise of a Ninja left off, taking place between episodes 81-135 of the anime. It contains the Return of Itachi, Search for Tsunade, Land of.


Warning:Late-Arrival Spoiler from the original Naruto manga.

Naruto Gaiden contains examples of:

  • Abusive Parents: Shin Sr., big time. Can't get any worse than using your own child -even if it's a clone- as a human shield and then an organ donor.
  • Action Mom: Sakura Haruno has taken up the role towards Sarada. When she and the recently returned Sasuke were under threat, she got pissed off..
  • Advertised Extra: While Boruto was seen prominently in the promotional material for this spinoff, he has a rather small role. Instead, the story is focused mainly on Sarada.
  • Affably Evil: Orochimaru chats politely with Sasuke and Naruto, like they're old friends visiting for tea. It may have something to do with the fact that those two are the strongestpeople alive and he's really not trying to piss them off.
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  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Sakura gives Sarada this when she was younger, in the same fashion that Itachi used to do to Sasuke. At the end of Gaiden, Sasuke himself does this to Sarada.
  • Alone with the Psycho: After Shin Sr. performs the organ transplant on himself, he tries to invoke this to Sakura but it backfires. Turns out, Sakura had been trying to get as much information out of him as she could before 'tidying things up'.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Orochimaru's current host's gender is ambiguous due to its youthful appearance and the fact that he's neatly combed his bangs and tied his hair into a ponytail.
  • Artificial Human: Shin Jr. is a younger clone of his father.
  • The Assimilator: Shin's body makeup allows him to take anything into himself without fear of rejection. He also expressed interest in taking Sasuke's eyes for his own.
  • Ascended Extra: Meanwhile, Sasuke's daughter, Sarada, is the main protagonist.
  • Badass Boast: Shin to his clones. This boast fails horribly.
    'In order to fulfill our objective, we shall now commence..the revival of Akatsuki.'
  • Berserk Button:
    • For Boruto: He does not like the Hokage title, job or anything to do with it.
    • For Shin Jr.: Sasuke outright makes him homicidal and furious. Seeing Naruto has this effect on him as well. Turns out he was following his 'father's' example and when Shin's defeated later, all the clones get over it.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Oh Shin, Shin, Shin. He tried so hard to be threatening and wanted nothing more than to drag the world into war to satisfy his sadisticsocial darwinism. Too bad he sucks at it.
  • Breakout Character: Sarada can be considered this, due to being the first likable Uchiha character since Shisui to be created and having a well-rounded personality. Even her family issues are more sympathetic than Boruto; Boruto complains about his dad never being around him enough, despite Naruto's efforts to the contrary, whereas Sasuke has straight up been absent for nearly all of Sarada's life.
  • Broken Aesop: The manga presents the message that genes don't matter and that the bonds constructed by people through social interactions is what determines who they are. The last few pages reveal that Sakura was Sarada's biological mother all along. One could interpret this as defeating the point, but on the other hand, Sarada decided that it didn't matter either way before this was revealed. It's also possible that this message could be more directly applied to Shin's clones and their relationship with their 'father.'
  • Broken Pedestal: Sasuke becomes this to Sarada. Their first meeting completely tarnished whatever fatherly image she had of him. His coldness towards her did not help. Later, she admits that while he may not be the best dad, his abilities are impressive. By the end of Gaiden, her relationship with Sasuke improves.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Shin Jr.'s first act is to attack Sasuke; this is just as hilariously one-sided as it sounds. He later one ups himself trying to attack Naruto, again to no meaningful effect.
  • The Bus Came Back: After not appearing on the epilogue, this spin-off shows what happened to Orochimaru and Team Taka after the war.Kabuto also appears in the epilogue.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: After Sarada's Broken Pedestal moment, she finally calls out Sasuke's absence in her life and Sakura's keeping secrets from her.
  • Changeling Fantasy: Chocho fantasizes that one or both of her parents aren't really hers despite the obvious family resemblances. Mitsuki considers the possibility that she needs some real professional help, much to her annoyance.
  • Character Shilling: Naruto praises Sasuke to Sarada by calling him an admirable ninja, even after she grows disillusioned with her father. Nothing less could be expected, however, given his audience and the circumstances behind Sasuke's long absence.
  • Child Prodigy:
    • Saradas's friends think so given that she's an Uchiha, though she certainly doesn't believe she's special. She quickly shows she has her mother's strength and her father's Sharingan skills though.
    • Boruto is revealed to be one, unlike both his parents.
  • Clones Are People, Too: Explained by Orochimaru of all people, he remarks that unlike Naruto's shadow clones, each Shin clone is a human being with a mind and personality of his own; Because of this all of them are sent to Kabuto's orphanage to be raised by him.
  • Cloning Blues: Shin Sr. is the original with a special DNA structure that Orochimaru picked up for his experiments and all the Shin Jrs. are clones of him.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Chocho proves to be a bit..eccentric.
  • Comically Missing the Point: All of the adult cast completely misunderstand Chocho's Changeling Fantasy, and believe that she's worried about Chouji leaving on a mission without telling her.
  • Culture Clash: Karin keeping Sarada's umbilical cord in a box has Squicked out more than one Westerns readers. However, it's a Japanese tradition called 'Hesono o': after the umbilical cord dries and falls off, it's placed in a special wooden box and kept both as a memento and as a well-wish for the child. And it's not restricted to Japan, either; many other Eastern countries have this tradition. It's similar to the Western tradition of cutting a lock of hair from the newborn baby and keeping it for good luck.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Mitsuki seems to be a master of this.
  • Death by Irony: After spending the entire miniseries telling everyone that true evolution can only be achieved by sacrificing the weak and that children are no better then spare parts Shin gets killed when his own clones turn against him since his own weakening body and Sharingan make him obsolete as their father.
  • Death Glare: Shin and his clones are masters of this. Later when one of the Shin Jrs. uses his Mangekyo Sharingan to stare Naruto down, Kurama inflicts this on him, scaring him senseless.
  • Deliberately Distressed Damsel: Sakura doesn't fight back after she's kidnapped by Shin Uchiha Sr. Instead, she watches him perform transplant surgery on himself, all the while discussing with him his motives. Turns out, information wa all she wanted: as soon as she got everything, she prepares to punch her way out of this.
  • Disappeared Dad: Sasuke has not been present in Sarada's life at all, leaving when she was a baby.
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: Naruto's warning to Shin Jr., accentuated by Kurama's withering Death Glare. The kids take the hint and back down, looking ready to faint from fear.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • Sarada finally meets her father after most of her life not seeing him.. only for Sasuke to assume she's an enemy thanks to her having unwittingly awakened her Sharingan.
    • When Sarada argues with Naruto, her rant parallels her father's words when he defected from the village. Naruto takes note of this and is able to successfully convince her to not follow in her father's footsteps.
  • Dull Surprise: While everyone else is shocked at Shin being stabbed by his 'sons', Sasuke and Sakura aren't. In fact, Sakura wonders aloud why this didn't occur sooner.
    • Naruto's reaction to being stabbed in the stomach by Sasuke's sword.
  • Easily Forgiven: Why is it that Orochimaru and Kabuto are allowed to roam free after everything they've done in the past?
    • Orochimaru is not allowed to roam free, it being stated twice he is not allowed to leave his base.
  • Enemy Mine: The reason Orochimaru agrees to help Naruto and Sasuke track down his former student and test subject, Shin Uchiha.
  • Everyone Has Standards: When Sarada shares with Suigetsu her suspicions that Karin is her real mother instead of Sakura, he freaks out and exclaims that Sasuke would be a complete scumbag if that were true. Although, after some thought, he doesn't rule out the possibility that Karin put the moves on Sasuke. Then, he helps Sarada find out the truth.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Shin Sr. has Sharingan eyes all over his body.
  • Family of Choice: Naruto helps Sarada realize that what really matters is the connection between people. Sakura may not be related to Sarada by blood but, for all intents and purposes, she is her mother and Sarada wants to save her. While in the end it is proven that she's actually Sakura's daughter, it still helps Sarada realize to love her family.
  • Fat and Skinny: Lithe and agile Sarada compared with strong, chubby Chocho.
  • Giant Mook: Shin Jr. has a giant clone of himself.
  • Handicapped Badass: Sasuke may not have gotten a prosthetic arm like Naruto did, but he's still more than capable of kicking ass.
  • Heroism Won't Pay the Bills: Despite being one of four people directly responsible for saving the world, Sakura hadn't finished paying off the loan on her house by the time the story starts.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Chocho averts this, despite her personalityquirks. She warns Sarada not to trust Orochimaru, since that man.. woman.. whatever creeps her out.
  • I Am Not Your Father: A mother version. Sarada is dead set on figuring out her family situation and when she finds out about Karin, she considers the possibility that she may be her mother and not Sakura. A DNA test from Suigetsu seems to confirm her suspicions. But then the final chapter subverts this by revealing that what was used for the DNA test was Sarada's umbilical cord and the reason Karin had it was because she was the midwife who delivered Sarada when Sasuke and Sakura were traveling together.
  • Inter Generational Friendship: Sarada strikes one with Naruto himself, thanks to Naruto helping Sarada come to terms with her family crisis and being very supportive to her. By the end of the miniseries it seems that this bonding has caused Sarada to want to become the Hokage much like Naruto at that age (in complete contrast to Boruto).
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Karin eventually stopped pursuing Sasuke so he could get together with Sakura, flat out quoting the trope name.
  • Jerkass Façade: Sasuke, just like he did before the timeskip. When his daughter (who he'd never even met) asks why he was never around, he simply tells her that it's none of her business. The facts that he's on a top secret mission and that Sarada was targeted the moment she left Konoha do give him some credit, however.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • As disrespectful and bratty as Boruto is to his father, he is shown to be well-mannered (e.g., thanking Sarada for not telling Naruto his hiding spot). And underneath the attitude he projects, deep down he really loves his father.
    • Mitsuki is shown to be considerate of others' feelings, trying to help them. However, that doesn't mean he's going to be nice about it, as Chocho found out.
    • Karin was never really a bad person, but she's shown to have mellowed and matured significantly with age, having formed a trusting friendship with Sakura and become a sort of odd, unseen aunt to Sarada.
  • Karma Houdini: Orochimaru is still free and lounging about in his hideout, doing what he wants. Supposedly he's under permanent house arrest and isn't allowed to leave his hideout, but considering he's still got tons of experiments going on and at least one running loose, this doesn't seem like it's that big of a hindrance to him.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Shin Sr. calls Shin Jr. off from attacking Naruto, knowing the boy is clearly outmatched. Later, after getting Mama Bear Moded by Sakura, he retreats without delay.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Shin Sr. constantly treats his clones as disposable pawns, only for the clones to betray him for being weakened and injured, rationalizing their actions with his very own Social Darwinism.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Part of Sarada's issues with her Disappeared Dad is that she knows her father isn't around, but she doesn't know why. Her desire to know leads her make her own assumptions, and take drastic measures in finding out, with tragic results thanks to her mother not giving her satisfying answers.
  • Loving a Shadow: Despite alleging to be deeply and truly in love with Sasuke, Sakura knows basically nothing about him, and is unable to answer even basic questions about him when Sarada asks about him, such as whether he wore glasses when he was young. Even Kishimoto admitted he didn't explore their relationship in-depth because he found all the reasons he could think of for why Sakura was in love with Sasuke to be too contrived.
  • Made of Iron: Naruto has always been this, but it's taken to an absolutely ludicrous level here. Naruto and Sasuke both react to Shin manipulating Sasuke's sword to impale Naruto straight through with what amounts to shrugs and mild annoyance. The worst anyone has to say about it is Kurama being annoyed that Naruto's senses have dulled enough that he let it happen at all.
  • Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: Inverted. Chapter 1 shows us Sarada finding out about Karin. With Sakura unable to answer even basic questions about Sasuke and Shizune either unable or unwilling to answer any questions about Sarada's birth, she's naturally starting to second-guess her relation to Sakura. Despite teasing she's not Sakura's, she is proven to be her legitimate daughter in the end.
  • Moral Dissonance: Sasuke could be excused, but Naruto doesn't seem to be affected by Orochimaru being alive not to mention that he seems to be using a younger body as host now, the same despicable act that The Third Hokage showed nothing but disgust and revolt back in the beginning of the series.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Sarada doesn't get why everyone's so gung-ho about being a ninja and she doesn't really care to be one either. After traveling with Naruto, she wants to become a great Hokage like him.
  • Noodle Incident: The mission mentioned by Karin that she had with Sasuke and Sakura in which Sakura gave birth to Sarada.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: What Suigetsu's well-meaning attempt to help Sarada amounted to. Turns out that picking a random object from someone's desk and assuming it belongs to them is a huge mistake. Who'd have thought? Karin chews him out and says he has to apologize to Sarada for the pain he put her through.
  • Offing the Offspring: Played straight with Shin Sr., then inverted.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: During the last half of the story, Ino and Choji completed a mission difficult enough that the latter had to use his Calorie Control.
  • Organ Theft: Shin Sr. personally guts Shin Jr. to get a replacement liver.
  • Orphanage of Love: Kabuto is shown to have followed in his foster mother's footsteps, despite still retraining traces of his time as Orochimaru's successor.
  • Papa Wolf: Both Naruto and Sasuke have become this.
    • Sasuke deeply cares about Sarada's safety. He's willing to block some kunai with his own body and goes all-out when attacking Shin Sr.'s base, since he made the mistake of targeting his wife and daughter.
    • Naruto is this not only to his children, but to all other children as well. He protects Sarada and Chocho from Shin Jr. and gets furious when he realizes that Shin Sr. used not just any child, but his own son as a shield.
  • Parents as People:
    • Sasuke left Konoha to investigate a potential threat before his daughter, Sarada Uchiha was born. He's never even met her.
    • Naruto's duties as Hokage keep him very busy, so he can't spend as much time as he used to with his family. This has driven a wedge between him and his son, Boruto.
  • Security Cling: Sarada holds on to Naruto's jacket when Shins Sr. and Jr. attack the tower, looking terrified.
  • Seeing Through Another's Eyes: Shin Sr., via a weird looking creature resembling Deidara's creations or the mini Ten-Tails spawn.
  • Sequel Series: Or rather, Sequel Mini Series.
  • Ship Sinking: After a few teasing, this miniseries puts the final nail in the coffin of the Sasuke/Karin ship.
  • Smash Sisters: Sarada and Chouchou not only are close friends, but have potential to become this.
  • Smug Super: Shin is so confident and arrogant in his abilities that he attacks Sasuke and Naruto head-on with only one of his clones. His cunning, pragmatism and cruelty almost allowed him to win against the two when he surprised them with his telekinetic eye powers and the fact that he kept targeting Sarada.
  • Snooping Little Kid: Sarada and Chocho follow Naruto with the intention of being led to their fathers (the real one and the 'real' one), but Naruto was aware that they were trailing him.
  • Social Darwinism: In a carbon copy of Orochimaru's ideology before his questionable Heel–Face Turn, Shin Sr. believes that peace prevents evolution from happening and this will mean the eventual end of mankind. With that, he manages to mix Social Darwinism with War Is Glorious all in one sentence. His effort to resurrect Akatsuki can be seen as a way to restart the 'evolution'.
  • Spin-Offspring: This focuses on the kids of the main characters.
  • Tagalong Kid: After Sarada and Chocho follow Naruto out of the village and are attacked by Shin, he allows them to come along so that Sarada can meet her dad. He also feels she'd be safer with him than if he sent her back, now that she's being targeted.
  • Take That, Audience!: One purpose of this gaiden seems to be to riff people who both disliked the Sasuke/Sakura pairing and also suggested that Karin was actually Sarada's mother. Also, Karin stating that she and Sakura are friends - she even states that women have a certain camaraderie, completely dispelling any fans who assumed she and Sakura would be catty to each other.
  • Taking the Bullet: Sasuke uses his body to shield his daughter Sarada from Shin Uchiha Sr.'s blades.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Shin Sr. can use Kamui through his pet.
  • Tell Me About My Father: Sarada wants to know more about Sasuke, whom she's never met.
    • Invoked nearly word for word when she asks Sakura this, starting from whether he wore glasses to asking why she has never seen him. When she starts asking whether she is really her daughter, this angers Sakura, who punches the ground in the process. However after seeing Sarada in tears, Sakura understands that she is simply starved for a father's affection so she tells her the importance of what he is doing, and assuring her that he will be back.
    • Naruto proves to be more forthcoming in this regard, though he's still glossing over Sasuke's past. The fact that Naruto does even that much leaves her immensely happy and driven to see him.. until she says that he has trouble recognizing her.
  • To Be a Master: Sarada takes up Naruto's old standard: To become Hokage.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Sarada is the Tomboy (snarky and serious) to her best friend Chouchou Akimichi's Girly Girl (who calls herself and Sarada 'maidens', thinks boys are after her and believes her 'glass heart' can't handle the Uchiha family drama).
  • Trauma Conga Line: In short order, Sarada begins doubting Sakura is her real mother, finds evidence that is the case, but no-one will talk to her about it. She goes looking for her father, whom she's never met, and is attacked by a strange boy with a Sharingan. When she finally meets her father, he nearly kills her thinking she's an enemy and then coldly dismisses her questions. She then watches Sakura get abducted by the bad guys, then finds evidence that she's not even her real birth mother. When Naruto suggests they go save her mother, Sarada rounds on him with her Sharingan activated and snaps that Sakura isn't her mother and she has no reason to care about people who lied to her whole life. However, Naruto manages to calm her down and keep her from following in her father's footsteps. In the end, she learns that Sakura was her real mother after all, recovers, forms a better bond with her family, and becomes a happier person.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Averted. Unlike most Uchiha, who awaken their Sharingan through survival instinct, rage, or a traumatic experience, Sarada activates her Sharingan for the first time out of joy and excitement when she is finally going to meet her father. Naruto assumes she awakened them due to believing Sakura wasn't her birth mother.
  • Turn Out Like His Father: Naruto takes note of how much Sarada resembles Sasuke and jokes that it would become uncanny if she awakened the Sharingan. When he thinks she's done so after learning of her 'true' parentage, he talks her down from unwittingly following in her father's footsteps by abandoning the village out of anger.
  • Victory Is Boring: After the war, Kurama spends most of his time sleeping and complaining about having nothing to do. He's practically giddy when Naruto lets him loose for battle; Naruto actually has to hold him back from going all-out against a bunch of kids.
  • Waistcoat of Style: Sasuke wears a stylish blue-gray vest over his shirt.
  • Walking Transplant: Shin's father freely uses him for organ donation, even if it will kill him. There's more where he came from.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Naruto is disturbed when Orochimaru says Shin's clones are expendable beings once they've outlived their usefulness. He later makes it a point to offer the kids a new home in the Orphanage of LoveKabuto runs, hoping that with time and proper training they will learn to fit in with others.
  • Worf Had the Flu:
    • Naruto's battle senses have dulled over the past decade due to his position of being Hokage and not consistently training like he did when he was a teenager. Kurama pointed this out during Naruto's battle with Shin and his father and Naruto wholeheartedly agreed, stating that his performance was pathetic.
    • Sasuke couldn't use his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - Tomoe Rinnegan during his first clash with Shin Sr. because he was low on chakra form travelling between dimensions. He recovers soon enough, however, and pays back Shin with interest.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Shin Sr., in spades.
    • He targets Sarada with his flying daggers the moment Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode shielding her starts fading.
    • He's completely unconcerned about putting Shin Jr. in harm's way, using the boy as a shield or as an organ donor.
    • Despite being injured and betrayed by his clones, he still tries to kidnap Sarada and Chocho with his teleporting creature. Thankfully Sarada saw an end to that.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: All of the Shin Jrs. eventually decide that since they are newer than their 'father', they are also stronger and act accordingly.

Alternative Title(s):Naruto Gaiden The Seventh Hokage And The Scarlet Spring


The name's Bond. James Bond.


Commander James Bond, CMG, RNVR, is a fictional character created by the British journalist and novelist Ian Fleming in 1953. He is the protagonist of the James Bond series of novels, films, comics and video games. Fleming wrote twelve Bond novels and two short story collections. His final two books—The Man with the Golden Gun (1965) and Octopussy and The Living Daylights (1966)—were published posthumously.

The Bond character is a Secret Service agent, code number 007, residing in London but active internationally. Bond was a composite character who was based on a number of commandos whom Fleming knew during his service in the Naval Intelligence Division during the Second World War, to whom Fleming added his own style and a number of his own tastes; Bond's name was appropriated from the American ornithologist of the same name. Bond has a number of character traits which run throughout the books, including an enjoyment of cars, a love of food and drink, and an average intake of sixty custom-made cigarettes a day.

Since Fleming's death in 1964, there have been other authorised writers of Bond material, including John Gardner, who wrote fourteen novels and two novelizations; and Raymond Benson, who wrote six novels, three novelizations and three short stories. There have also been other authors who wrote one book each, Kingsley Amis (writing as Robert Markham), Sebastian Faulks, Jeffery Deaver, William Boyd, and Anthony Horowitz. Additionally, a series of novels based on Bond's youth – Young Bond – was written by Charlie Higson.

As spin-offs from the literary works, there was a television adaptation of the first novel, Casino Royale, in which Bond was played as an American agent. A comic strip series also ran in the Daily Express newspaper. There have been 26 Bond films; seven actors have played Bond in these films.

Powers and Stats

Tier:9-B physically and with firearms. 9-B with some gadgets. At least 9-B with the Golden Gun, Samurai and Grenade Launcher. 9-A with rockets 9-A with the Aston Martin Vanquish

Name: Codename: 007, James Bond


Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities:Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, High seduction skills, Explosion Manipulation, Flight (Using Little Nellie and his Jetpack), Technology Shifting (The custom Lotus Esprit can turn into a submersible), Limited Invisibility (The Aston Martin Vanquish can turn completely invisible, while his Nanosuit can somewhat do the same ), Master Combatant, Hacking, Energy Projection (Via laser watch and Samurai), Sleep Manipulation (Via tranquilizer darts and keys), Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Heat Manipulation (via thermovision), Limited Electricity Manipulation (via EMP's), Smoke Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (The helicopter Little Nellie has flamethrowers), Resistance to Radiation Manipulation

Attack Potency:Wall level physically and with firearms (Stronger depictions such as the game version, Craig's version and Brosnan's version show him busting through walls and steel bars, thick wooden platforms and doors and affecting foes with Wall level durability such as Jaws). Wall level with some gadgets. At least Wall level with the golden gun (It can one-shot Jaws) and the grenade launcher (It is Bond's most destructive weapon along with the Samurai) Small Building level with rockets (The Rocket Launcher from Nightfire can easily destroy heavily armored Helicopters) Small Building level (The Aston Martin Vanquish can destroy submarines, and scales to helicopters whose rockets can destroy large ships)

Speed:Superhuman with Supersonic reactions (He can dodge close-quarter bullets easily, and is comparable in speed to characters who can backflip over high-speed bullets). Subsonic+ to Supersonic+ attack speed with most real-life firearms. Speed of Light attack speed with lasers. Subsonic with most cars (Uses cars that can easily go beyond 190 mph)

Lifting Strength:Above Average HumanUnknown

Striking Strength:Wall Class

Durability:Wall level (Can survive HALO jump with his parachute opening just a few metres above water. Can tank attacks from Jaws, Alec Trevelyan and Oddjob) Small Building level (The Vanquish can survive attacks from submarine rockets)

Stamina: Peak Human (He can fight even while heavily injured)

Range: Standard melee range on his own. Varies from dozens of metres to hundreds of metres depending on weapons used

Standard Equipment: Guns, Laser Watches, Secret Gadgets, A range of vehicles containing various gadgets/weaponry, coming from several world-famous manufacturers like Aston Martin, BMW, Lotus, Audi and more. Varies depending on the circumstance (Bond from the games has a much more varied Arsenal than his film and book counterparts)

Intelligence: Gifted. He can plot out tactics very carefully to get himself out of tough situations

Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses apply, but has survived situations which would kill an average human. Vehicles require a source of fuel to run on

Roblox Naruto Final Bond

Naruto final bond script hack

Note: To check all the vehicles he has ever used throughout his career, check this

Key:On FootUsing Vehicles


Bond Cars


Notable Victories:

Ethan Hunt (Mission: Impossible) Ethan's Profile (James Bond was allowed use of gadgets but not vehicles)

Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls) Stan's Profile (Both were at 9-B and had prior knowledge of each other)

Mister Satan (Dragon Ball) Mister Satan's Profile (9-B versions were used and both had prior knowledge)

Kim Possible (Disney) Kim's Profile (Kim's shoe upgrades were restricted. Bond's vehicles were restricted. 9-B Versions used)

Jason Bourne (Bourne Franchise) Bourne's Profile (9-B versions used. Both had prior knowledge and speed was equalized)

Robert E. O. Speedwagon (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Speedwagon's Profile (9-B versions used. Speed was equalized and both had prior knowledge)

Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Black Widow's Profile (Black Widow had weaponry and speed was equalized)

Des Kangaroo (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Des Kangaroo's Profile (Speed was Equalized, At-Least 9-B versions were used)

Pet Shop (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Pet Shop's Profile (Bond was at 9-A)

Isabel Guerra (Paranatural) Isabel's Profile (Note: Speed was Equalized)

Naruto Final Form

John Wick (John Wick) Wick's Profile (Both were at 9-B, had two days prep and Speed was Equalized)

Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) Leon's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

Bane (The Dark Knight Rises) Bane's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

The Player (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) The Player's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) Jill's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

Austin Powers (Austin Powers (Series)) Austin Powers' Profile (Speed was Equalized and both only had their gadgets and a standard issue military handgun)

Gex the Gecko (Gex (Series)) Gex's Profile (Speed was equalized, and both were at 9-B)

Naruto Final Bond Script

Toriel (Undertale) (Toriel's Profile) (James is 9-A and in the Vanquish, speed equalized, both start 20 m apart)

Finn McMissile (Cars) (Finn's Profile) (Bond was 9-A, Speed equalized, and 8-B missiles were banned)

Notable Losses:

Fifteen (Katana ZERO) Fifteen's Profile (Speed was Equalized)

Law Enforcer (Sims) Law Enforcer's profile (Both were limited to 9-B, had prep, and speed was equalized)

Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe) Connie's Profile (Both were at 9-B. Speed was Equalized, Both were Bloodlusted)

The Thing (John Carpenter's The Thing) The Thing's Profile (The Thing had already assimilated 7 people)

GLaDOS (Portal) GLaDOS's Profile (Fight took place in GLaDOS's chamber and Bond had access to rockets)

Spider-Man Noir (Marvel Comics) Noir's Profile (9-B versions used. Speed equalized)

Inconclusive Matches:

Ford Pines (Gravity Falls) Ford's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Bond had vehicles restricted)

Caveira (Clancyverse) Caveira's Profile (Both were at 9-B and had prior knowledge of the other. Speed was equalized and Bond had vehicles restricted)

Batman (Batman (1966)) Batman's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery takes you on a magical broom ride into the world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Harry potter 1 download.

Batman (The Dark Knight Trilogy) Batman's Profile (Both were at 9-B)

Bender (Futurama) Bender's Profile (Both were at 9-B and Speed was Equalized)

Starman (Earthbound) Starman's Profile (Both were at 9-A and Speed was Equalized)

Agent 47 (Hitman Franchise) 47's Profile (Both were at 9-B and both had prior knowledge)

Discussions about James Bond (Composite)

  • The Spy who Pet Me: Temmie vs James Bond

  • James Bond fights a detective

    6 messages
    • Tintin is vastly outskilled here. Bond's vast array of gadgets also makes this extremely decisive at best.
    • Hm.. If I give Tintin prior knowledge, would that help or?