League Of Legends Stealth Rework

Posted : admin On 29.08.2019

He was one of the first Champions on the League of Legends roster, and it has taken some time before the champion team to come back around to the Iron Revenant. Today, Riot Games revealed the champion’s new abilities and shared a brief behind-the-scenes video of their process. League of Legends Mordekaiser Rework Champion Update.

I think recalling removes stealth on champions like Akali or Teemo, that need to do nothing to remain stealthed, but perhaps for Evelynn or Twitch, who can move while stealthed, can they recall without removing stealth?

Dara MarshallDara Marshall

2 Answers

Recalling counts as an action and thus removes 'remove on action' stealth effects (which, if im not mistaken, are all stealth effects currently in the game)There is one trick though: If you use a stealth skill and start recalling before the stealth actually kicks in, you will recall invisible (For example with twitch using ambush, then instantly starting to recall and going invisible after pressing b)


actually i will go throught the champs for you:

teemo: he gets out of stealth and cant get into stealth while recalling


eve after rework: dont know seriously


akali: she gets revealed short time (just like when she attacks)

twitch: he will get revealed BUT if you use recall during the 1.5 sec which are needed to go into stealth you will recall in stealth (check twitch re-mastered spotlight, phhreak is explaining)


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Good news to Pantheon-mains both new and old! Pantheon, the Artisan of War, is next in line to receive a complete visual and gameplay update in League of Legends that will make the old Spartan relevant again.

League Of Legends Stealth Rework

While Pantheon is still a moderately popular champion, the way he plays and the way his mechanics work makes him seem like a fish out of water given the current League of Legends meta. His skills are outdated, his character model is old and cartoon-y, and anything that Pantheon can do, other champions simply do better. It’s not his fault, of course. Pantheon has been long overdue for a rework.

Since League of Legends launched ten years ago in 2009, Riot Games has made literally thousands of changes. New champions with new abilities have been introduced, hundreds of new items have been released and possibly just as many have been retired, and today League of Legends looks and feels like a completely different game from what it was when it first started.

However, despite the multitude of changes to the game, it feels that a handful of its champions were getting left behind. Pantheon is one of those champions - despite some balance tweaks here and there and some re-texturing every now and then, Pantheon is more or less who he was in 2009. And that’s not a good thing considering all the new stuff they’ve put into the game since then. Back in 2009, there was no such thing as “knock-up” effects, there were only a handful of area-of-effect crowd-control abilities, and almost everybody had non-skillshot targeted skills.

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Pantheon, the Artisan of War, used to be one of the most popular champions to play, and I personally remember scoring my very first pentakill with a glass-cannon Pantheon powered by the now-reworked Athene’s Unholy Grail. But with the newer, flashier, and often times, much stronger abilities and metas that League currently has to offer, it seems Pantheon no longer has a place in competitive League of Legends. Hopefully, the upcoming Pantheon VGU will change all of that, and bring the Artisan of War back to the arena of battle, instead of watching from the bleachers.